Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween!

This year the boys dressed up as Elmo and Cookie Monster! I decided that a halloween shirt and halloween socks were enough for me! I fully intend on coming up with something super creative and handmade next year... but this year, I just wasn't feelin it! We still had a ton of fun though! We went trick or treating to a few local stores and businesses early in the day while we were out running errands, then to a Harvest party at a good friend of mine's church and then on to trunk or treat! The boys did well in the candy department... ;) muahahahaha!!! By the end of the night I had two cranky, sticky, and beyond tired children... all in all, it was a sucessful day! Hope everyone had Happy Halloween!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


OK, so... I have a terrible memory when it comes to the important stuff, like milestones and major happenings, fun things we did or places we went... so I can't really remember too much that happened in March. I can remember my best friends phone number from when I was 9, all the birthdays in my family, most of my old addresses without looking them up and Jon sometimes calls me a the walking phone book because I usually don't need to look up a number if it's one I've used more than once or twice. I like to blame the "shorter term" memory loss on my kids. :) Anyway, I guess there was one big thing that happened in March... I got older...ugh. I guess turning 26 doesn't really qualify as being "old"... but it does bring me just that much closer. This last year went by SO fast, in fact I feel like I blinked and all the sudden 5 years have passed. I guess I need to quit blinking so much, or before I know it... I'll be 50!! So, because I feel like the last several years are just one big blur... I have vowed to stop and smell the roses this year. To savor and enjoy EVERYTHING that comes my way... good or bad, or at least try to make the best of it. What's the point in living if you're on "auto pilot" the whole time? So, if you find me "sweating the small stuff", or if it seems like I'm in a daze, or you sense that I'm starting to become a hermit... give me a good smack on the butt and tell me to snap out of it! Ok, I'm done.

Here's a few pic's of your's truley to celebrate getting OLD...... well, old(er)!

Lot's of updates to come...

I know I'm REALLY behind, so I'm going to do my best to get as caught up as I can and then just try update my blog regularly. So... bear with me. Oh, and my darn camera broke.... that's 2 so far this year!! What is it with me and digital camera's?? So, I'll post what pictures I already have... but there probably won't be many new ones until I happen upon $100 bucks just laying around, which doesn't happen very often. Ooooookaaaaaaay, Here it goes...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I miss my daddy!!!

This afternoon while I was getting Phenix all tucked in for nap time, he was expressing how much he missed his daddy today! Just to fill everyone in, Jon injured his foot playing basketball about a week and a half ago and has been unable to walk on it and therefore unable to work for the most part. He's been home for the past 4 days and Phenix has LOVED having all the extra time with daddy. Well, today Jon had to go back to work and Phenix just didn't like that at all. The following is the conversation between Phenix and I right before nap time today(which is always full of attempted negotiations... a drink, need to go potty, a story, etc...) I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! LOL!!

Ok... first, as a preface... let me fill you in on what lead up to nap time! Phenix comes running into the Hall where I'm doing laundry and runs right passed me to my bedroom stating that he NEEDS to go to bed. WHAT?!? This NEVER happens... I reply by saying "ummm, ok... you WANT to go to bed?"... he replies, "Yes... ummm... I need to pick up the oranges"... I'm thinking... what the heck is going on... As I'm asking Phenix what he means, he runs up to me and is blocking me with his hands and trying to keep me from going into the Kitchen."NO... You can't see it" he says... AH!!!! Now I've realized that He'd tried to get into the oranges I have hanging in a basket in the dining room( this is a common occurance) and that they must have fallen all over the floor. As I'm heading for the dining room to check out the damage, Phenix bee-lines for the couch and hides his face with a pillow... it's apparant that he knows he's made a bad choice. I can't help but start to crack a big smile, and I bite my lip to keep it at bay. I then asked Phenix with my hands on my hips"Did you tell mom that you needed to go to bed because you knocked the oranges down??" "Yes" he replied still holding the pillow over his face, but down just enough that I could see his two little eyes peering out over the top..."You knew that was a bad choice and that you'd get in trouble, didn't you?... "uh huh" he said pulling the pillow all the up again. I said... "Well, you're right... it was a bad choice to pull down the oranges. You need to help me pick them up. Also, It is time for your nap, but that's not why you're going... it's just because it's nap time, not because you're in trouble. Ok?" He nodded "Let's go get you tucked in" I said as I picked him up... "I'll snuggle with you for a little while." "Okay" he said tearing up...

Ok, now onto the conversation:

Phenix: Will you read me another story?
Me: Nope, that's all... now it's time to go to sleep. I'll stay and snuggle for a little while though.
Phenix: (Starting to cry) Ok mommy... but just one story? Just a litte one? Pleeeeese?
Me: No, sorry honey... just one. I'll tell you another one tonight before bedtime.
Phenix: (still sort of crying) Ok. Mommy?
Me: Yes sweet heart?
Phenix: I miss my daddy!!
Me: You do? I'm sorry sweet heart. I bet he misses you too!
Phenix: Where is he?
Me: He's at work buddy, he'll be back later!
Phenix: (really crying hard now) but I miss him, I REALLY miss my daddy.
Me: oh, honey... don't be sad... he'll be home soon.
Phenix: But he's LOST!
Me: He's lost??
Phenix: Yeah, he's lost and he's hurt!
Me: He's not lost, he's at work buddy.
Phenix: He's got a big bandaid on him's foot and he's lost...
Me: He'll be ok, he's a big boy!
Phenix: but he "begot hims nuther shoe" (meaning he forgot his other shoe)
Me: He can only wear one shoe right now buddy becasue his other foot has that big bandaid on it, remember?
Phenix: oh yeah, but are you sure him's not lost?
Me: I'm sure
Phenix: OK, but leave the door open a "yittle bit" please... just a "yittle".
Me: Ok buddy, I will... Love you...
Phenix: Love you too mommy...

Poor kiddo! He's so sensitive and emotional. He really was worried about his daddy!! I couldn't help but smile... I just thought it was too cute not to share!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Peer pressure and I had a fight...peer pressure won

After much poking and prodding... I've finally succumbed to the peer pressure and decided to join the popular fad that is blogging. It's not that I was opposed to it, or thought blogging was a waste of time or anything... quite the opposite actually! I look at all of my friends and family's blogs on a regular basis, and I see how cute and clever and creative they are, and I'm grateful they have them because it gives me a way to see what they're up to! Here's the problem... everyone always blogs about such great stuff, I fear that I'm not gonna live up to the high standards that are being set!! LOL... I know... that's sounds lame doesn't it. Everyone's different, and I'm definitely my own worst critic!! SO... bear with me as I get the hang of this!! It'll probably be all over the place for a little while and I apologize in advance for my craziness!! But hey... that's what life is sometimes right?? A whole lotta CRAZY!!!!! Any and all tips are welcome and would be very much appreciated!!